While We Are Away
We apologize for the silent space. Family drama and a desire for genuinely first-rate microbrews have taken us back to our ancestral lands, where herb, Doug fir, and salmon abound, but where computer access has only come our way intermittently. Es tut uns weh.
Speaking of and in German, may we briefly draw your attention to our masthead? Alert readers will notice the disappearance of the noun "horsefuckers," which used to follow the adjective "venal." Insofar as the noun was intended to refer to neoconservatives, we have been slightly disturbed to learn that a substantial percentage of our readers -- many of whom are located in Deutschland -- were led to the Swill by a google search for "horsefuckers." We assume that their time with our material was unsatisfying, to say the least.
Furthermore, our friend BC remarked, "As a former equestrienne, I object to your use of the term 'horsefuckers' in reference to Republicans. It slanders the horses."
In any case, we're not feeling very creative, and hereby solicit suggestions from our non-bestiaphile readership. What noun should replace "horsefuckers"?