Friday, February 03, 2006


Today, ABC news reported that the "US Backs Muslims in Cartoon Dispute."

We personally would have written a different headline: "US Continues to Discourage Freedom of the Press ; encourages self-censorship" has a nice ring. Or perhaps "Fundamentalist Christians in Power Support Fundamentalist Muslims Out of Power; support limited to content of funny pages."

I also would have subsumed a variety of cartoons in my analysis: remember when Mary Worth refused to wear a burka? Who can forget the day when Ziggy stared off into a huge sunset and reflected upon the fact that all the Jews wouldn't just be Left Behind, but actively dropped into the fiery pits of Hell for all eternity?

In any case, we truly appreciated the State Department's spokesman's assertion that "Inciting religious or ethnic hatreds in this way is not acceptable."

Inciting religious or ethnic hatreds by abandoning the Nuremburg principles and shitting on the U.N. charter, toppling the governments of sovereign nations, imposing Federalism on arbitrarily-delineated, colonially demarcated states, destroying both humans and basic infrastructure and subsequently failing to establish pre-war levels of sewage treatment, potable water, or electricity, on the other hand, is just not only acceptable, it's sound foreign policy. You know, Spreading Freedom and sich.

The entire situation -- protesters, supporters, commentators -- is pretty much dominated by fucktards. Sadly, we don't really get most of the cartoons. Perhaps they're hilarious in Danish.


Blogger squeezychortle said...

This is such a non issue.

To all you muslims freaked out by these cartoons--GROW THE FUCK UP. Who gives a camel's ass whether someone mocks your prophet? People mock ideas sacred to me all the time. I laugh. Ho ho ho. Who cares? Self-important dickholes!

This reminds me of the Pope getting his delicate underthings all sweaty about homosexuality. If you don't like it, punish the goddam pedophiles in your ranks. Ass.

You don't want to see Mohammed with a fuse sticking out of his forehead? Then spank the president of Iran for denying the holocaust. Really. Whip him or stone him or ass rape him, whatever it is you do. Because no one dies from a fucking cartoon, and lots of people died in the death camps.

The website's got loads of anti-israeli inanity coming out of muslim countries. The muslims protesting this, as far as I'm concerned, are whiny little bitches, and anyone sympathetic to them is the whiny itty-bitty bitch of a whiny bitch.

5:13 PM  
Blogger Swill to Power said...

The Swill agrees 100%. And only wants to point out to sensitive and perhaps uninformed readers that parataxis by no means indicates an equation of homosexuality and pedophilia, which are wholly and entirely discrete phenomena.

7:26 PM  
Blogger squeezychortle said...

Yeah, I apologize. It was stupid, accidental conflation. Delete the message. It should read more like

"This reminds me of the Pope getting his delicate underthings all sweaty about homosexuality, while ignoring actual evil stuff in his own priesthood. If you don't like the diminishment of human life and sexuality, punish the goddam pedophiles in your ranks. Ass."

Again, my humble apologies. Mea maxima culpa.

Check out my post on Prussian Blue.

2:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no issue with Muslims being offended by the cartoon - images of Mohammed are forbidden in Islam. I certainly don't think this makes Muslims 'whiny bitches'. Seems like more of a case of the West misunderstanding - or simply not understanding - Islamic culture. What I DO take issue with is the nature of the protests. It's one thing to make a public, peaceful statement that 'I'm offended'. It's entirely another to burn buildings, threaten to behead Danish journalists, etc. Look at where the majority of that kind of violent protest is happening, though - Syria, Afganistan, Lebanon, Iran. Looks like a very strong probability that fundamentalists are simply exploiting the situation and using it an excuse to incite violence against the west more than a true representation of what mainstream Muslims think. But I might just be the whiny itty-bitty bitch of a whiny bitch, I suppose.


4:45 PM  

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