Wednesday, August 09, 2006

World Class Scottish Swill


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"What a silly person you are." Great line, too bad about the killing.

5:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, sure, anyone who's feasting on alligator soufflé while tossing his dog a solid gold bone has time for frivolity. Really, I expect a little better from you, Swill--man of the people and all that. I'm so infuriated I'm going to have to drive around in my hovercraft for a few hours to calm down.

By the way, I recommend a young-ish Bonneau du Martray Corton-Charlemagne with that soufflé: the richness will complement the dish, and that trademark minerality will counterpoint the Big Cypress swampiness of the gator. Man of the people, my Grand Cru-drinkin' ass!

8:18 PM  

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