Sunday, April 02, 2006

Going Quasi-Public

Yes, friends, the Swill's reliably contrarian voice just tapped a bigger market. (First-time readers, insert irony marks around previous sentence. We have no market). Yesterday, we joined a thread on Crooks and Liars with the staggeringly improbable goal of objecting to the language of abuse directed at -- wait for it -- aspiring Florida Senator Katherine Harris and creepy Nazi Ann Coulter.

We're not sure if this makes us principled, or sellouts, or sellouts because we indulged a principle. It just makes us uncomfortable that the most abusive vocabulary netfolks seem to find to describe these loathesome trolls has to do with androgyny, transvestism, transsexuality / transgenderism, and fake boobs.

In short: to call Katherine Harris a "tranny hooker" is an insult to transsexuals, and particularly to sex workers, who actually labor for their money rather than inherit it. To use the term "drag queen" to abuse Ann Coulter is a grotesque insult to drag queens. When rightfully abusing Coulter and Harris, please fantasize about jailing them, shitting upon them, or abusing them in all sorts of non-gendered ways. But fer crissakes pay attention to the collateral damage.

On a totally unrelated note, the number of visitors who arrived at the Swill via google searches for "horsefuckers" has inexplicably spiked in recent days. We thought we'd dealt with this issue in past weeks (see here), but apparently the search engines disagree. So, we've appended the photo above for your delectation.

Maybe you're surfing the web in Bavaria (dieser Photo von Frau Harris ist ganz geil, nein?), Alberta (Great legs on this filly, eh?), Bend, OR (We assume you're a recent arrival from California?), or Oklahoma (We assume you support Tom Coburn - R-OK). Whatever the case, enjoy this image, and in the brief moment of clarity that follows, open the phone book and get some help you sick fucks. Or at the very least remember this moment when you're tempted to vote for a Moral Majority candidate.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your right.....people shouldn't be insulting Sex Workers, or transexuals like that. I thought Cindy Sheehans analogy of Ann Coulter last week was pretty good. She said Ann reminded her of a pathetic girl she knew in high school, who was so desperate for attention she'd eat her own boogers.

2:20 AM  
Blogger Swill to Power said...

At least to that particular end of the horse, Phreddie.

Please also note that -- much like Connecticut Cowboy GWB -- Harris is trying to establish her Western iconic bona fides while inhabiting a saddle that is quite clearly too large for her (the stirrups of which are also too long for her legs. Read allegorically or literally). Weak.

12:36 PM  
Blogger Kenneth Burns said...

Desiree thanks you.

2:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clearly she has never ridden a horse -- those stirrups! Her toes-down leg! If the horse so much as kicked at a fly she'd fall off. Now not just sex workers etc. are insulted, but equestrians everywhere.

8:41 PM  
Blogger Swill to Power said...

Indeed, Aurora, indeed.

We're reminded of what our pappy once remarked about a lawyer who had purchased land nearby, and who had pretentions of becoming both a gentleman and a farmer: "He don't know which end of the cow to pitch hay at."

But at least that guy didn't start running the world with his pretentions, I suppose.

10:57 AM  

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