Friday, March 17, 2006

Stop the Presses!

Holy Jesus! Two women have died after taking the abortifacient RU-486, and the grammar of the headlines leaves no doubt as to the causal relationship between the two events.

"Two More Women Die After Taking Abortion Pill," the headlines scream out, and anti-choice groups are quick to demand that the drug be pulled from the market. Why? Well, because in the six years that it's been available by prescription, SEVEN women have died after taking the drug (it's actually a combination of drugs, and actually none of the deaths were traced directly to the drugs themselves, but these are merely semantics).

SEVEN women in six years? Sweet Jesus, why even have an FDA? When will good moral people of faith put an end to this holocaust? (N.B. The last link is worth following, if for no other reason than you get to follow the post informing you "Italy Not Catholic!" Late breaking news, indeed.)

In the U.S. we'll have to wait a few more months for abortion to be made illegal. While you're waiting, and in case you missed this in the news lately, you might consider that 529,000 women die each year from from complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

If we did the math, we'd say that being pregnant and giving birth is roughly 453,428 times more likely to kill a woman than taking RU-486. Luckily, we believe that math is an invention of the liberal media.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

MS, you've failed yet again to reach the heart of the matter. I quote from the Abortion Holocaust website (which I was saddened to see did not refer to the much-anticipated completion of Ruggero Deodato Jungle Holocaust, Cannibal Holocaust trilogy): "In consideration of the semi-horrific (the abortion holocaust is more fully horrific) events that took place on September 11, 2001...." "Semi-horrific"?! All theories of horror and/or terror with which I'm familiar have been woefully integral, all-or-nothing affairs. These folks are trying to open our eyes to the possibilities of fractional horror! This demands attention: perhaps Schmaristotle's apocryphal work on the semi-tragic (in the Schmoetics) can shed some light on this important matter.

Oh, and I don't use numbers to weigh life. I prefer an A-F grading system.

2:44 AM  
Blogger Swill to Power said...

1) "The Schmoetics" is a great name for a band. Musicians, take note.

2) "Fractional horror" might well be both a productive critical and theological concept. If would start with distinguishing between "demi-horror" and "semi-horror," the initial letters denoting "Demonic" and "Satanic" respectively. Anti-choice activists, take note.

3) When weighing life with the A-F grading system, do you use the plus/minus or the A/B?

11:24 AM  
Blogger Swill to Power said...

Absolutely, Granny, which is why maintaining and promoting facilities where women can obtain safe, legal health care of all sorts -- including abortions -- should be paramount among any pragmatist defender of human rights. Sadly, this is not a question that Alito is likely to take into account when he rules on South Dakota.

At the same time, it should be noted that 2.06 million doses of RU-486 have been delivered since its approval, and 7 women have died from complications. I'm pretty sure that penicillin doesn't have a track record that good.

Full disclosure: key members of the Swill are very closely related to an extraordinarily brave soul who runs a women's health clinic. This clinic provides a number of services, including abortions. And yes, we're proud.

12:53 PM  
Blogger Swill to Power said...

I see your point, Phreddie, and wonder why the shining light of logic took so long to illuminate the depths of my soul.

I was going to go ask Alice about the pill, but she is currently on a tour promoting South Dakota's new epithet: "The Coathanger State."

10:52 PM  

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