Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Come on. We simply can't believe it. We know that we haven't seen 655,000 dead people in the New York Times or Parade magazine. No, that seems too high to us. Yes, based on our extensive knowledge of the situation, we think that seems a little high.

Furthermore, upon reviewing the statiticians methodology, we've concluded that one simply can't trust numbers, particularly ones we don't understand, which are admittedly almost all of them.

Now, if the people were Amish and there were fewer than five, well, we might wrap our heads around the issue and worry about the state of civilization and shit. But 655,000? That's what Kant referred to as "too much."

You may now return to your regularly scheduled tongue-clucking. We do.


Blogger squeezychortle said...

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10:36 AM  
Blogger Swill to Power said...

Come on, squeezy, put it back up, "as" you find them.

10:39 AM  
Blogger squeezychortle said...

You take people where you find them. Sometimes you find them piled up in holes in the ground.

Still, it's fucking sick and disturbing to have little girls shot up in Amish country.

As you know, I've been a big supporter of the Iraq war (why have one land war in Asia when you can have two?), so, well, there you are.

I sense a Crofts poem titled or themed "Margin of Error."

10:40 AM  
Blogger Swill to Power said...

Yes, someone with a gift for the poetickal magick should be very, very busy right now: "Margin of Error" and "Outliers" would both be good titles for poems about counting up piles of tortured corpses.

10:42 AM  
Blogger squeezychortle said...

Outliers I like. Or "The Spread."

Spread'em, your ass cheeks
like data points on line graphs
No one reads, the outliers
on spittle-flecked faces
Recounting something big
Six hundred thousand dead.

Try the chicken parmigiana! I'll be here all week.

10:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some more good titles (specifically for ye poet-statisticians): "Standard Normal Distribution" "Least Squares Regression" "Simpson's Paradox" ....
Rwanada: 800000 dead
Iraq: 655000 dead
UN Intervention, anyone?
If it's not genocide, then politicide?
It must be come sort of -cide, probably not "terroristicide" although that word has a certain ring to it...

10:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5:01 PM  

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